CS371p Spring 2021 (Week 13)

Bruno Fazzani
2 min readApr 25, 2021

What did you do this past week?

I had a probability exam early last week, I did well enough and so now I only have to worry about the final and 1–2 more homework assignments. Other than that I didn’t have anything big last week, just the usual weekly homework assignments for all of my classes.

What‘s in your way?

Nothing really, I think I’m well prepared to do whatever I need to do right now.

What will you do next week?

I’m going to be working on Life, and the final project for my other CS class (Programming for Correctness/Performance). I’m actually quite excited to work on both of these projects so hopefully that will prevent me from procrastinating. If I have free time I’ll probably do some competitive programming practice, as I’m trying to get back into that right now.

If you read it, what did you think of the What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You?

Every time I hear about these sorts of anecdotes it surprises me even though I have already heard these stories before. I can understand implicit bias in hiring, because it isn’t purposefully malicious, but it’s terrible that there are so many people are just committing blatant sexual harassment.

What was your experience of Life and inheritance?

I’m excited to work on the Life project because I’ve always found Conway’s Game of Life to be very interesting, and I’ve seen tons of cool patterns that have been created.

Inheritance in C++ is pretty interesting to compare to Java, especially the issues with static/dynamic binding. I don’t think we’ve finished discussing the topic, but it seems to me that dynamic binding would be more useful in more situations, but I like that C++ gives you the option to also use static binding, unlike Java. It does present more opportunities to go wrong, however.

What made you happy this week?

I got to meetup with some friends that I haven’t seen since high school this weekend, and it was very cool to see how they have/haven’t changed since a few years ago.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

https://www.levels.fyi/ For when you feel like daydreaming, this website is a collection of self-reported salary data (supposedly very accurate) for top tech companies. It feels insane to see how high even the entry level salaries are for some companies (although cost of living also needs to be taken into account as well).

